Monday, April 2, 2012

An update of refusal of defeat.

So, Its been a while since I updated. Life gets in the way like that. It's been a month since I started this journey. I have no numbers to report, but I know I'm at less than what I started, if not as far a long that I'd like. But that's okay. It took me a while to figure out what would work. But I've got that down. It s started with something a bit crazy but has now settled down into plain old healthy diet and exercise. I think I'll be okay.

Eat to live, not live to eat.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

And... we're off.

I went to the doctor a couple of days ago. That was a step. Got my medication I will need for this journey, plus some to make my body run a little better in the mean while anyway. I've spent the past two days getting ready for what tomorrow brings. It will technically the third day, but the first that requires effort.

When I get down, when I don't want to get back up, I'll just think of the sunrise coming across the mountains a year from now. That's my goal.

Just got to remember to chase the sun.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is the Inca Trail?

I quietly mentioned this goal to a friend the other day but the person did not know what the Inca Trail was. So for those of you curious I thought I would explain if ever briefly.

The Inca Trail is a 4 day trek through the Andes mountains to Machu Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas. Mach Picchu itself is one of the 7 wonders. The trek to get there is a grueling hike through mountain passes. From everything I have read, it is the experience of a lifetime and just getting to see the ancient city at sunrise is like a gift from the heavens.

I think it sounds like a wonderful goal to achieve.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Of Late Night Idealism

Tonight I was reunited with an idea I once had that seemed impossible. To hike the Inca Trail. It came to me as a whisper does in the wind. Slowly, but with presence. This idea, this undertaking is no simple path in the easiest of lives, however where mine is concerned it is doubly so. I am a large man, and not in height sadly. In order for me to undertake this, I estimate I would need a loss of roughly 100-120 lbs in a year.

That quick doubt you just experienced for me? Yea, I get it. I didn't say it would be easy. I think I can do it it. I'll the reserve the word "know" for a later time.

I started this blog as a way for people to follow me on this journey, to encourage me in the dark hours. More importantly, I started it as a way for me to reflect and keep going when all seems lost. What I'm suggesting will take a significant monetary and mental investment in addition to the massive physical horror that I wil endure just to get there.

Yet, here I am. Here I go.

First goal: I will not even consider actually going until I lose approximately 50lbs. I feel I need to accomplish this in 3 months. That's about 17-18 lbs per month.

Fuck it, let's go.